24 research outputs found

    High-Voltage Stations for Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging: Trends, Standards, Charging Modes and Comparison of Unity Power-Factor Rectifiers

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    Emission of greenhouse gases and scarcity of fossil fuels have put the focus of the scientific community, industry and society on the electric vehicle (EV). In order to reduce CO2 emissions, cutting-edge policies and regulations are being imposed worldwide, where the use of EVs is being encouraged. In the best of scenarios reaching 245 million EVs by 2030 is expected. Extensive use of EV-s requires the installation of a wide grid of charging stations and it is very important to stablish the best charging power topology in terms of efficiency and impact in the grid. This paper presents a review of the most relevant issues in EV charging station power topologies. This review includes the impact of the battery technology, currently existing standards and proposals for power converters in the charging stations. In this review process, some disadvantages of current chargers have been identified, such as poor efficiency and power factor. To solve these limitations, five unidirectional three-phase rectifier topologies have been proposed for fast EV charging stations that enhance the current situation of chargers. Simulation results show that all the proposed topologies improve the power factor issue without penalizing efficiency. The topologies with the best overall performance are the Vienna 6-switch and the Vienna T-type rectifier. These two converters achieve high efficiency and power factor, and they allow a better distribution of losses among semiconductors, which significantly increase the life-cycle of the semiconductor devices and the reliability of the converter.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country through the Fund for Research Groups of the Basque University System under Grant IT978-16, in part by the Research Program ELKARTEK under Project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077 and Project HARVESTGEN-KK-2020/00113, in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain under Project PID2020-115126RB-I00, and in part by the FEDER Funds. Documen

    Effect of Symmetrically Switched Rectifier Topologies on the Frequency Regulation of Standalone Micro-Hydro Power Plants

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    Micro-hydro power plants (μHPPs) are a major energy source in grid-isolated zones because they do not require reservoirs and dams to be built. μHPPs operate in a standalone mode, but a continuously varying load generates voltage unbalances and frequency fluctuations which can cause long-term damage to plant components. One method of frequency regulation is the use of alternating current-alternating current (AC-AC) converters as an electronic load controller (ELC). The disadvantage of AC-AC converters is reactive power consumption with the associated decrease in both the power factor and the capacity of the alternator to deliver current. To avoid this disadvantage, we proposed two rectifier topologies combined with symmetrical switching. However, the performance of the frequency regulation loop with each topology remains unknown. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of the frequency regulation loop when each topology, with a symmetrical switching form, was inserted. A MATLAB® model was implemented to simulate the frequency loop. The results from a μHPP case study in a small Cuban rural community called ‘Los Gallegos’ showed that the performance of the frequency regulation loop using the proposed topologies satisfied the standard frequency regulation and increased both the power factor and current delivery capabilities of the alternator.This contribution is a result of a cooperation between the APlied Electronic Research Team (APERT) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), supported by the Department of Education of the Basque Government, within the fund for research groups of the Basque university system IT978-16, the Power Electronics Control in Energy and Motion Systems group (PECEM) at the University of Oriente, and the IRIS project for Cuban energy transformation. Integration of Renewable Intermittent Sources in the power system (IRIS, 2019-2022) is financed by Academy of Science in Finland, Grant/Award Number 320229. The authors of this article gratefully acknowledge these financers and project partners

    Digital control of multiphase series capacitor buck converter prototype for the powering of HL-LHC inner triplet magnets

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    ©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A major upgrade will be conducted in the Large Hardon Collider (LHC) at CERN. This high-luminosity (HL) version of the LHC will increase the nominal luminosity by a factor of five. One of the key technologies of the HL-LHC is the new superconducting inner triplet (IT) magnets, responsible of producing high magnetic fields to focus particle beams. To power the IT magnets from the grid, a multistage power supply with an intermediate 24-V battery pack is being considered. In such topology, a low-voltage high-current dc/dc converter operating with a very high step-down ratio is required for the final conversion stage. In this work, an interleaved multiphase series capacitor buck converter is proposed to feed the IT magnets from the battery pack. A novel voltage regulation approach that ensures the current balance between the paralleled series capacitor cells is also proposed, where one cell is responsible for the output voltage regulation, while the remaining cells are current-regulated. A balanced current sharing between the series capacitor cells is achieved, when the current-controlled cells are referenced by the actual current of the first one. The proposal is theoretically analyzed and experimentally validated in a six-cell 1000-A prototype unit.This work was supported in part by the HL-LHC project by the CERN and APERT (UPV/EHU) “Collaboration in the Study of Power Converter Topologies for Inner Triplet magnets with Energy Recovery in the framework of the High Luminosity upgrade for the LHC at CERN,” in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the fund for research groups of the Basque University system under Grant IT978-16, in part by the Government of Spain through the Agencia Estatal de Investigación under Project DPI2017-85404-P, and in part by the Generalitat de Catalunya under Project 2017 SGR 872.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sensorless control strategy for light-duty EVs and efficiency loss evaluation of high frequency injection under standardized urban driving cycles

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    Sensorless control of Electric Vehicle (EV) drives is considered to be an effective approach to improve system reliability and to reduce component costs. In this paper, relevant aspects relating to the sensorless operation of EVs are reported. As an initial contribution, a hybrid sensorless control algorithm is presented that is suitable for a variety of synchronous machines. The proposed method is simple to implement and its relatively low computational cost is a desirable feature for automotive microprocessors with limited computational capabilities. An experimental validation of the proposal is performed on a full-scale automotive grade platform housing a 51¿kW Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine (PM-assisted SynRM). Due to the operational requirements of EVs, both the strategy presented in this paper and other hybrid sensorless control strategies rely on High Frequency Injection (HFI) techniques, to determine the rotor position at standstill and at low speeds. The introduction of additional high frequency perturbations increases the power losses, thereby reducing the overall efficiency of the drive. Hence, a second contribution of this work is a simulation platform for the characterization of power losses in both synchronous machines and a Voltage Source Inverters (VSI). Finally, as a third contribution and considering the central concerns of efficiency and autonomy in EV applications, the impact of power losses are analyzed. The operational requirements of High Frequency Injection (HFI) are experimentally obtained and, using state-of-the-art digital simulation, a detailed loss analysis is performed during real automotive driving cycles. Based on the results, practical considerations are presented in the conclusions relating to EV sensorless control.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Potentzia-bihurgailu matriziala: teknologia eraginkor eta konpaktua

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    Gaur egun potentzia-elektronikaren erabilera oso hedatuta dago. Teknologia mota hau nonahi aurki daiteke: ibilgailu elektrikoetan, ur-ponpaketako sistemetan, hegazkinetan, haize-errotetan, etab. Potentzia-bihurgailuen artean, bihurgailu matriziala (MC, matrix converter) nabarmentzen da, honek azaltzen dituen ezaugarriak direla-bide. Bihurgailu horrek AC/AC bihurketa era zuzenean egiten du, eta hainbat aplikaziotan erabil daiteke, oso konpaktua eta eraginkorra baita. Gainera, bihurgailu horren bidez sintetizatutako seinaleen kalitatea oso ona da. Lan honetan, MCaren ezaugarriak, aplikazioak, erronkak, arkitektura eta modulazio-printzipioak azaltzen dira. Ondoren, adibide modura, bihurgailu hau haize-errota txikietan ezartzean lortzen diren emaitzak erakutsiko dira. Azkenik, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean eraikitako MC prototipo batean lortutako zenbait emaitza esperimentalen berri emango dugu, bihurgailuaren funtzionamendu erreala azaltzeko

    Mikrosare elektrikoak: energia berriztagarriak integratzeko aukera

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    Egun, sorkuntza sakabanatua da energia elektriko eraginkorra eta kalitate onekoa lortzeko gailentzen ari den aukera. Sorkuntza sakabanatua energia berriztagarrietan oinarritzen denez, faktore kontrolaezinen menpe dago, adibidez haizearen eta eguzki-irradiazioaren menpe. Hori dela eta, sistema horiek sare elektrikoan integratzea ez da erraza. Eragozpen hori gainditze aldera, oso eraginkorra gertatzen da mikrosareak erabiltzea, sorkuntza sakabanatuaren integrazio ona bermatzen delako, erabiltzeen hornikuntza elektrikoa hobetzeaz gain. Alde horretatik, mikrosareen ikerkuntza asko hedatu da munduan zehar, tankera honetako sareek dituzten abantailak direla-eta. Artikulu honetan, mikrosareen ezaugarri nagusiak aurkeztuko dira. Ondoren, AC eta DC mikrosareen arteko aldeak azalduko dira, haien funtsezko abantailak eta desabantailak aipatuz. Azkenik, munduan zehar eraikitako hainbat mikrosare zerrendatuko dira, eta Euskal Herriko energia berriztagarrien eta mikrosareen egoera deskribatuko da

    Wide Bandgap semiconductor HF-oscillation attenuation method with tuned gate RLC filter

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    Wide Bandgap (WBG) transistors provide better switching performance and higher operating temperatures compared to state of the art Si devices and are suited for high frequency applications due to very short switching times. The main obstacle for implementation of WBG transistors at full potential is the high frequency oscillation in voltage and current during switching transients. Oscillations arise from resonance due to parasitic and device inductances and capacitances. Introduction of WBG transistors depends on the elimination of these oscillations and their negative effect on the performance of power converters. Good layout practice is mandatory, but there is a limit to the reduction of these parasitics and, often, slowing of the semiconductor switching time must be applied. This paper presents a simple methodology for the attenuation of the negative effects of WBG transistor high frequency oscillations without increasing rise and fall times. The proposed methodology is based on determination of the source of feedback resonant frequency between gate and power loops using network analyzer measurement on PCB and utilization of tuned RLC filter. Experimental application of the methodology shows direct relationship between loop resonant frequency and voltage and current oscillations. The proposed method reduces power losses, high frequency oscillations and EMI.UPV/EHU IT978-16, GV/EJ (Elkartek) KK-2018/0004

    Mikrosare elektrikoak: energia berriztagarriak integratzeko aukera

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    Egun, sorkuntza sakabanatua da energia elektriko eraginkorra eta kalitate onekoa lortzeko gailentzen ari den aukera. Sorkuntza sakabanatua energia berriztagarrietan oinarritzen denez, faktore kontrolaezinen menpe dago, adibidez haizearen eta eguzki-irradiazioaren menpe. Hori dela eta, sistema horiek sare elektrikoan integratzea ez da erraza. Eragozpen hori gainditze aldera, oso eraginkorra gertatzen da mikrosareak erabiltzea, sorkuntza sakabanatuaren integrazio ona bermatzen delako, erabiltzeen hornikuntza elektrikoa hobetzeaz gain. Alde horretatik, mikrosareen ikerkuntza asko hedatu da munduan zehar, tankera honetako sareek dituzten abantailak direla-eta. Artikulu honetan, mikrosareen ezaugarri nagusiak aurkeztuko dira. Ondoren, AC eta DC mikrosareen arteko aldeak azalduko dira, haien funtsezko abantailak eta desabantailak aipatuz. Azkenik, munduan zehar eraikitako hainbat mikrosare zerrendatuko dira, eta Euskal Herriko energia berriztagarrien eta mikrosareen egoera deskribatuko da

    Common-Mode Voltage Elimination in Multilevel Power Inverter-Based Motor Drive Applications

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    [EN] The industry and academia are focusing their efforts on finding more efficient and reliable electrical machines and motor drives. However, many of the motors driven by pulse-width modulated converters face the recurring problem of common-mode voltage (CMV). In fact, this voltage leads to other problems such as bearing breakdown, deterioration of the stator winding insulation and electromagnetic interferences (EMI) that can affect the lifespan and correct operation of the motors. In this sense, multilevel converters have proven to be a useful tool for solving these problems and mitigating CMV over the past few decades. Among other reasons, because they provide additional degrees of freedom when comparing with two-level converters. However, although there are several proposals in the scientific literature on this topic, no complete information has been reviewed about the CMV issues and the different multilevel alternatives that can be used to solve it. In this context, the objective of this work is to determine how multilevel power converters provide additional degrees of freedom to make the reduction of the CMV possible by using specific modulation techniques, making it easier for engineers and scientists in this field to find solutions to this problem. This document consists of a descriptive study that collects the strengths and weaknesses of most important multilevel power converters, with special emphasis on how CMV affects each of them. In addition, the differences of modulation techniques aimed to the CMV reduction are explained in terms of output voltage, operating linear range, and generated CMV. Considering this last, it is recommended to use those modulation techniques that allow the generation of CMV levels of 0 V in order to be able to completely eliminate said voltage.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the Fund for Research Groups of the Basque University System under Grant IT978-16; in part by the Research Program ELKARTEK under Project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077; in part by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya; in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades of Spain under Project PID2019-111420RB-I00 and Project PID2020-115126RB-I00; and in part by the FEDER Funds